Creating custom components based on the Component class


The Component class itself provides opportunities for creating complex components, but if this component begins to contain others, then it becomes inconvenient to copy entire pieces of code with the components. Here comes the creation of your own components based on the Component class. In short, creating your own class hides a part of the logic by which the component is built and avoids copying the code.


Let's create a Button folder in the same folder as MyWindow folder and add Button.h.

To create your own components, connect the header file of the Component class. Create a class and inherit it from Component, overload the constructor and add the setup method, which call in the constructor.

In the constructor, immediately add a field for the button text and write it in the text field.

#pragma once
#include "component/component.h"

using namespace Kit;

class Button : public Component
    string text;

    Button(string id, string classes, string text)
    	: Component(id, classes)
        this->text = text;
    void setup()


The setup method is used to configure the component; all methods of the Component class can be called in it.

In the previous example, we used the setText method to set the text for the component. Call this method in setup.

void setup()

The setup is now finished, let's move on to adding to the window.

Connect this component to the window and add it:

#pragma once

#include "window/window.h"
using namespace Kit;

class MyWindow : public Window
    MyWindow(string title, SimpleRect size, bool noBorder = false)
        : Window(title, size, noBorder) 

    void setup()

        add(new Button("#button", ".button", "Text"));


Here, to add, just, the third prototype of the add method is used.

Thus, the logic of setting the text is hidden from an external observer, and creating a component with text has become much easier.

Some requirements for an inherited component

The simplest example of inheritance was considered above, but in the future it is necessary to add another static create method, for convenience. This method should completely repeat the constructor and, if necessary, other possible options for creating the component.

Then the addition can be rewritten as:

add(Button::create("#button", ".button", "Text"));

Connect styles in a component

Another important part of inheritance is styles.

Prior to this, all styles were connected globally for the entire window, but each component can also contain the necessary styles, thereby being completely separate from the window.

To add styles for the component, use the style method:

void style(const string& path);

Thus, the created components may not depend on the window into which they are added.

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